The Way of St. James

This route starts in different points in Spain and Europe and arrives at the same place: the city where St. James the Apostle concluded his evangelizing mission. Tradition has turned the Road to Santiago into a place of encounter for people with varying human and religious concerns. This pilgrimage clearly receives a special blessing rendering it a source of spiritual and cultural wealth, including familiarity with Spanish mystical experience.

The Idente Pilgrims

The Road to Santiago was personally promoted by Fernando Rielo and has been proposed yearly since 1988. Benefiting from this long tradition, the activity seeks to perfect young people’s relation to God, nature, and the society surrounding them. To this end, Idente Youth organizes a pilgrimage each year between Astorga and Santiago de Compostela open to young people from different countries, cultures, and beliefs.

The significance of the pilgrimage is joined to a sense of the inner path leading towards our true vocation as beloved children of our Heavenly Father. The pilgrimage then takes on the meaning of walking together towards a union with God which will allow us to grasp better the meaning of life’s pilgrimage.

Idente Youth Pilgrims organize the journey to Santiago de Compostela in order to revitalize the cultural and spiritual content surrounding the Road in Europe, recovering what is most authentic and enduring in the pilgrim tradition.


From Astorga, León to Santiago de Compostela in twelve stages.


  • Activities and Services on the Route.
  • Cultural visits.
  • Seminars.
  • Evening events.
  • Artistic, religious, and other activities...


University-age young people from both Europe and other continents, with a view towards cross-cultural exchanges in an exceptional environment.

“St. James the Apostle represents the starting point of a mystical tradition which, beginning with the conversion of the Celtic population and becoming consolidated in the Spanish patristic era and the Visigothic period, turned into a universal patrimony whereby the religious cultural unity of Europe has gradually been forged over time. Since the distant past the channel for transmitting it has been the major pilgrimages to Santiago.”


  • Day 12: stage 1: Madrid–Astorga.
  • Day 13: stage 2: Astorga–Foncebadón.
  • Day 14: stage 3: Foncebadón–Ponferrada.
  • Day 15: stage 4: Ponferrada–Villafranca del Bierzo.
  • Day 16: stage 5: Villafranca del Bierzo–Herrerías.
  • Day 17: stage 6: Herrerías–Alto do Poio.
  • Day 18: stage 7: Alto do Poio–Samos.
  • Day 19: stage 8: Samos–Portomarín.
  • Day 20: stage 9: Portomarín–Palas de Rei.
  • Day 21: stage 10: Palas de Rei–Melide.
  • Day22: stage 11: Melide–Salceda.
  • Day 23: stage 12: Salceda–Santiago de Compostela.
  • Day 24: stage 13: Santiago de Compostela.
  • Day 25: stage 14: Santiago de Compostela–Madrid.

Conditions for Registering

  • At least eighteen years of age.
  • Knowledge and acceptance of the number of hours devoted to walking and the schedule to be followed in Santiago de Compostela.
  • Awareness that our pilgrimage is eminently spiritual in nature and thus includes religious activities.
  • A willingness to take part in all activities and the tasks requested, in keeping with the atmosphere of a family group which is being fostered.
  • Physical and psychological preparation.
  • Freedom from any medical impediments as regards this effort.


Part of the prayer by Idente Pilgrims at the tomb of St. James the Apostle:

“…We ask that the divine light you received on earth from Jesus Christ Himself may spread in such a way that the nations will recognize that He alone is the way, the truth, and the life.”

Benedict XVI after his visit to Santiago de Compostela:

“At the times of losing their way, searching, and hardship, just as in aspiring to reinforce faith and live more consistently, the pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela undertake a profound journey of conversion to Christ.”