Idente Youth Founder

A poet, philosopher, humanist and much more...

Fernando Rielo was born in Madrid on August 28, 1923. From childhood on he experienced love for God in the Person of the Father, a love which governed his whole life.
At the age of sixteen he had an experience which marked him forever—the call of our Heavenly Father, who said to him, “Be holy, my son, as I am holy.” He himself stated, “I promised Him I would always repent of everything that might cause Him displeasure and that I would spend my entire life seeking his will..., and I began to desire that these words of the Father would enter the hearts of all.”

His passion for Christ also led him at that time to compose a prayer which he would later pass on to his Idente sons and daughters and which would come to form part of their observance: “I promise You, Lord, to live and transmit the Gospel with the sacrifice of my life and my reputation and, faithful to the greatest witness to love, to die for You.”

His intense spirituality was concretely manifested when, at the age of twenty-three, he entered the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, where he completed his philosophical and theological studies. Providence had other plans, however, and he left the Congregation in 1954, returning to the world of work while awaiting new signs of the divine will. He was sent to a civil service post in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Canary Islands. The Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer, Men and Women Idente Missionaries, arose there on June 29, 1959.

The religious foundation would be followed by others, in his search for every possible way to take the Gospel to all people. This aspiration developed in him an extraordinary creativity in both the religious and civil spheres. In his concern for the spiritual and social needs of human life, he created various foundations and associations for the spiritual, moral, and civil good of humanity.

Among them, we highlight the Fernando Rielo Foundation; the Idente Youth that seeks to unite in the highest cultural and moral ideals to young people of different countries, races and beliefs, for the formation of a World Youth Parliament; The Chairs on the thought of Fernando Rielo in the Universities of Manila, Salamanca, Loja, Santo Domingo de los Colorados and Ibarra; Idente Volunteering is a way by which people can help each other and meet needs of different kinds, aware that, as the Founder teaches, "nothing should be denied to a human being who wants to impart a good of which he is considered possessor ... Well it is not an abstract being, it is very concrete "; The Fondazione Idente di Studi e di Ricerca, founded in Italy, and the Idente Foundation for Research and Studies in Spain, dedicated to the various university disciplines and the dialogue with intellectuals through symposia, congresses, meetings and conferences.

In 1988 he moved to New York at the request of his sons and daughters to receive specialized medical treatment after the amputation of his right leg. This and other infirmities prevented normal movement. He died in New York on December 6, 2004, under the tender care of his spiritual children.