The Holy Kings from the distant lands of the East, were present in the parish of San Agustín, administered by the Idente missionaries, on January 6, Day of the Epiphany, with a message of peace and joy for all present and especially for the many children, who welcomed the Kings, with looks of innocence and amazement, and enjoyed the gifts they brought them. Prior to the delivery of gifts, young people of Idente Youth represented a theater framed in our current reality of migration and the Christmas spirit of welcome and fraternity.
Later our friend Pablo, along with our brother Francisco Gallo, parish priest of San Agustín, delighted us with some carols and the young Marta offered us two songs with which they animated the act, that ended with some refreshments, in an atmosphere of encounter and fraternity.
Christmas in the parish of San Agustín has been marked by the artistic beauty and the missionary work with the neighbors of the area. The acts of Christmas began with an Athenaeum in charge of the boys and girls of First Communion catechesis. We prepared a theater and some Christmas carols for the parents and relatives, and they gave us a snack. It was very beautiful and a very hard-working and endearing act.
At the midnight mass, on Christmas Eve , here called “Missa de Matines”, a young girl sang the “cant de la Sibil·la”, an ancestral song of the 11th century, very traditional in the Mallorcan church, and a child sang the “Sermon de la Calenda”, which is a kind of proclamation of the Birth of the Child God. Along with a living Bethlehem scene, in charge of the boys and girls of catechesis, the parishioners received the arrival of Christmas.
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