Under the theme of the pedagogy of love: the key to family and community coexistence were held in Madrid on 11 and 12 March, the twelfth Fernando Rielo Conference of Pedagogy.
The echo echoes once again of having lived an ineffable experience, in which words are insufficient to express an environment, an air-like freshness that enters when opening the windows first thing in the morning on a hot summer day, or the Perfume that leaves the jasmine, the gestures and simplicity of the speakers, who have enriched with their experience these Conference.
In the opening speech Mª Fernanda Lacilla, left us the key to conceive of this pedagogy: in order for living and coexistence to be authentic, to be sown with Truth, an anthropology is necessary in which man responds to the deepest and most integrative of his be; The genetic. The experiential is the genetic, in the sense that empowers us, arises from a primitive experience and are the attributes we receive from God because it constitutes us as his children. From there arises the coexistence, because the life of the other human being happens to be part of my conscience.
The round table which was attended by great speakers was inaugurated by Ascensión Escamilla who, on the question of how to achieve a deep coexistence, responded by saying that the means is to have an inner monastery in which prayer becomes a state and thus Make us able, as Fernando Rielo said, to look at the earth from the sky, even more; From the heart of the Father.
Jose Fernando Calderero with his great experience made clear to us that the family is the most influential field in education, and that it has the joy and duty to educate its members. When asked about his resignation to dedicate himself to his family, he answers with clear clarity: “For the good of the family I do not have to give up anything, all the time is mine.” Intangible assets grow by sharing, so when we share, does not mean that the other has to lose. Finally, Professor Calderero also pointed out that the key to communication is communion.
Fernando Giménez Barriocanal, from his experience as husband and father of families gave us examples in which we have seen that coexistence is experienced in times of joy and pain. He told us about the importance of asking for forgiveness, creating spaces for coexistence and dedicating time to be able to form a community where God is manifested.
Finally, the intervention of Isidro Catela proposed to us to live three pedagogies of love: pedagogy of the Sabbath, of promise and of hope, where we are able not to pass quickly, it is possible to reconcile ourselves with the limits and that to say to the other ” Always “is a performative language.
In the afternoon session, which had as pedagogy of love and behavior disorders, Mar Alvarez, María del Carmen Cuenca and Marian Alegre intervened. Mar shared his vision as a psychiatrist to alert us that children are stunned, too many things, too many options, too much information and too much speed. He told us: the key is in love, picking up a phrase from Fernando Rielo: “The strength of a child is in the measure that he is loved.”
At the same round table Mª Carmen Cuenca shared with us a decalogue to deal with behavior problems, since we must try to arrive in time so that these do not become disorders. Children learn by imitation and the family is the medium par excellence where children are formed.
Finally, at this same evening roundtable, Marian Alegre encouraged us to foster an artistic and philosophical attitude among children and adolescents, knowing that it is something that we also have to carry out, because ” To educate is to educate oneself”.
On Sunday the Days of Pedagogy were attended by Elena Peces who from her experience taught us the gift and the vocation of coexistence, with great simplicity and mastery, made the attending public integrate through questions that could make us To see that love, as Christ did, always seeks the good of the other.
As part of the project of the Universal Youth Parliament, in particular the theme of forgiveness as a key to coexistence, young people Pablo Delgado, Elena Jurio, Gabriela Gosheva and Raquel Gómez shared with the audience the conclusions of the group in which Have been participating in their respective universities, their testimony and experience made us understand that the power to forgive and feel forgiven has a sublime impact on personal and community life. Also Huan Xung, as a Chinese citizen, made us understand why it is important that the Universal Youth Parliament celebrate this summer from 6 to 11 August 2017 its plenary session in China.
After a word of thanks for all the teachers of Idente Youth who had made it possible for these XII Jornadas Fernando Rielo of pedagogy could have been made and also the attendees, the Conference was closed by José María Sierra, who discovered a masterful formula:
(V= value of the person, C= knowledge, H= abilities, A=Attitudes, I= Ideals)
With him we remember that whenever something lofty appears; In this case ideals, the result acquires an exponential growth.
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