Taking advantage of the summer, the Ident Youth of Yaounde and Soa (Cameroon) has conducted a training course for young people who want to be teachers of children and adolescents, as well as for those who already are.
In Idente Youth, formation is a fundamental axis given the purpose of “restoring humanity starting with oneself”, which implies helping children, adolescents and young people to develop the whole field of values that involves the relationship with God, With nature and with society. The course has deepened in the virtues and means that a teacher must develop both in the field of education in values as in the domain of skills as the artistic skills, so necessary to educate the aesthetic sense of the person.
Yaounde and Soa Idente Youth attends 300 children and adolescents weekly and about 200 university students, which implies the need to have a strong team of teachers.
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