The Second Annual Idente Youth USA Formation Conference for Idente Youth professors was held recently with great anticipation and several smiles. Some 20 professors and junior professors, both young and young at heart, came from all the parishes administered by the Institute in the New York Metropolitan area. Our Lady of Loretto parish in Hempstead, NY hosted the event on Saturday, October 7th.
Following a welcome given by the US National President, Yerania Gálvez, and the US National Vice-president, Roland Pereira, the first activity was a round of icebreakers, dynamics, and games facilitated by Brandon Morel, a youth minister in a Queens parish and a friend of Idente Youth and the Institute. The first keynote talk was given by Fernando Real, an Idente Missionary priest with more than 25 years of experience working with youth and young adults in Idente Youth. He reminded us of what an Idente Youth professor is and how we have to live up to that mission.
The day continued with simultaneous sessions. Professors could choose to either attend a talk on group management given by the US National President, or a talk on creating dynamic spaces given by Brandon Morel. After a short break, professors were invited to attend another round of two simultaneous sessions: one for new professors and junior professors titled Our Identity, given by the US National President, and a talk for veteran professors on how to educate, given by Luis Miguel Romero, pastor of Our Lady of Loretto parish whom saw the rise of Idente Youth in Spain.
A sense of family was created while professors and junior professors ate a leisurely lunch together. Afterwards, Elaine Schenk, an Idente Missionary whom saw the birth of Idente Youth in NY, gave a talk on the Genetic Exam. She reminded us of the importance of this Idente Youth activity for the young people.
The day concluded with presentations on the World Youth Parliament’s participation in China given by the National Vice-President and Kristallynn Leonard, an Idente Youth Professor, as well as the celebration of the Eucharist by Fernando Real. Participants were gifted with the newest Manifest, crafted by participants from all over the world.
In the photo, the Idente Youth professors, junior professors, speakers, and the National President and Vice-president surround an Idente Youth banner in the basement of Our Lady of Loretto parish.
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