On May 26 the children of Idente Youth have celebrated the closing show of the weekly activity. All the workshops have presented the fruit of their work: drawing, dance, mime, puppets, singing, manual works, theater. The youngest ones have offered a composition about the virtues, with dance, songs and poems. It was beautiful.
To finish, the teachers have prepared a small tribute dedicated to the missionaries identes, for the 30th Anniversary of their arrival in Cameroon. Among the first arrivals were Anne Daban and Montserrat Serra Renom, who faithfully continue their mission in Africa, and specifically in Yaoundé. The broders missionaries were represented by José Manuel Conde, who arrived in Cameroon a few years later. The teachers sang a song prepared for this act, and after offering two bouquets of flowers, two children gave their testimony. They highlighted that Idente Youth allows them to live together, belonging to different religions.
The next day, on May 27, the teenagers celebrated the end of the weekly activities. The show was rich and varied, with the work of the different workshops, such as newspaper, dance, mime, theater, comedy, singing, puppets, drawing and manual works. The theater performance had been created by them, and it offered an evangelical message about the works of mercy.
To conclude, the professors thanked the idente missionaries for their presence in Cameroon, since June 25, 1988, as well as the work done in these years. They had written a banner with the following text: “Idente Youth appreciates your presence for thirty years in Cameroon. Happy Anniversary to the idente missionaries! Above the banner they had placed a photograph of Cynthia, a young teacher who died in a car accident in April.
They offered a bouquet of flowers to the missionaries, Anne, current Provincial Superior, and Montserrat, first arrivals in Yaoundé with a missionary, Pedro, represented by José Manuel Conde. Then they have represented a mime over the direction and meaning acquired by our lives when the Holy Trinity is present.
Before the final prayer, the teachers have brought a huge cake, which has been distributed among all the attendees. Excellent surprise! Thank you on behalf of the Idente Missionaries to Idente Youth! It was worth it for you alone to come to Cameroon!
On May 26 the children of Idente Youth have celebrated the closing show of the weekly activity. All the workshops have presented the fruit of their work: drawing, dance, mime, puppets, singing, manual works, theater. The youngest ones have offered a composition about the virtues, with dance, songs and poems. It was beautiful.
To finish, the teachers have prepared a small tribute dedicated to the missionaries and idents, for the 30th Anniversary of their arrival in Cameroon. Among the first arrivals were Anne Daban and Montserrat Serra Renom, who faithfully continue their mission in Africa, and specifically in Yaoundé. The missionaries were represented by José Manuel Conde, who arrived in Cameroon a few years later. The teachers sang a song prepared for this act, and after offering two bouquets of flowers, two children gave their testimony. They highlighted that Idente Youth allows them to live together, belonging to different religions.
The next day, on May 27, the teenagers celebrated the end of the weekly activities. The show was rich and varied, with the work of the different workshops, such as newspaper, dance, mime, theater, comedy, singing, puppets, drawing and manual works. The theater performance had been created by them, and it offered an evangelical message about the works of mercy.
To conclude, the professors thanked the visiting missionaries for their presence in Cameroon, since June 25, 1988, as well as the work done in these years. They had written a banner with the following text: “Idente Youth appreciates your presence for thirty years in Cameroon. Happy Anniversary to the missionaries and idents! Above the banner they had placed a photograph of Cynthia, a young teacher who died in a car accident in April.
They offered a bouquet of flowers to the missionaries, Anne, current Provincial Superior, and Montserrat, first arrivals in Yaoundé with a missionary, Pedro, represented by José Manuel Conde. Then they have represented a mime over the direction and meaning acquired by our lives when the Holy Trinity is present.
Before the final prayer, the teachers have brought a huge cake, which has been distributed among all the attendees. Excellent surprise! Thank you on behalf of the Idente Missionaries to Idente Youth! It was worth it for you alone to come to Cameroon!
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