For the second time, an Idente Youth camp has been held in the city of Abancay (Peru), in the Home of the Infant Jesus, during the vacation period of the children and young people of the Home. 16 young people from Lima participated, among them Alexa Biener, a young volunteer from Germany who worked as such, in the Our Lady of Light school until December.
The camp was developed from January 6 to 14, it was a great beginning, because it had the sign of the feast of the Three Wise Men, and just as they went in search of the brightest star, we also left Lima towards Abancay, With the illusion of having our encounter with Christ through the camp coexistence. And so, the trip had the sign of joy and innocence, since the boys, who did not sleep, played and laughed all the time (a total of 16 hours), waiting for the new day in Abancay.
The arrival to Abancay did not disappoint any. It is a beautiful valley, with a blue sky very different from the one of Lima and a splendid sun. The whole camp was developed in a climate of great disposition, joy and unity, in the different activities carried out; Seminars (on the Lord’s Prayer and on the fauna and flora of the Ampay Sanctuary), workshops (crafts, modern dance, creation of stories, first aid and biscuits with German recipe). Also enjoy the fauna and flora offered by the different places we visited including the National Sanctuary of Ampay (snowy at more than 5325m in height), from which we stayed at 3300m in a lagoon; The visit to the archaeological site of Saywite, at 3500msnm; Sports activities, hiking, gymkana, etc. Everything has been marked by the enthusiasm, unity and astonishment of the campers and teachers.
In walks conducted share the strength, solidarity and joy, giving us encouragement to each other, when at times discouragement was present by the difficulty of the climb, then did not wait the good humor of campers and teachers who Facing these situations, and again between laughter and fatigue, we continued, experienced that supporting us with what each can give of themselves can reach the goal.
In sports nothing stopped them. They made three teams and competed hard to win.
An important activity was the meeting with young people and children from a nearby village, with very simple families, games and activities were made and toys were brought almost like a gift of Three Wise Men.
The presence of Idente missionaries of the Home of the Infant Jesus (Abancay), Thomas and José Manuel, his talks, games and highly anticipated films in the home cinema has been a grace that young people have appreciated a very special way.
We started each day with the Lord’s Prayer and the Hymn to the flag, and end each day we participate in the Holy Mass, celebrated well at home by the Idente missionary Thomas, or Abancay Cathedral. Then the camp fire was held, where we had the opportunity to present and discover our skills in singing, theater, telling anecdotes and also the apologies and thanks for the day lived.
In the Closing of the camp diplomas and prizes were given to the camped, evidencing the joy and above all the friendship generated in this time of coexistence; The campers also expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to live this camp, they admired themselves to discover their talents in activities and living together, and for new friends, they said: “please stay.” We encourage you to continue living the camp in your daily life. Until another new edition of the Camp !!!!
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