Idente young people: Christmas in the Ecuadorian Andes
Last December 15, 16 and 17, Idente young people shared their lives in communities in the province of Cotopaxi (Ecuador). Young people between 15 and 21 years old participated in the evangelizing mission promoted by the idente missionaries in the city of Quito. Three weeks in advance, institutions such as the Universidad Técnica Particular de
- Published in Idente Volunteer Service, Voluntariado Idente
Idente volunteers in Philippines: “We are not walking alone”
“We are not walking alone”, with this certainty in our heart the Idente volunteers came back home after an excursion made on October 29 to Regina Rosarii, a Marian sanctuary located in Rizal City that is distinctive for its huge statue of Our Lady of the Rosary within which there is a church and an
- Published in Idente Volunteer Service
Madrid will host the international session of WYP 2020
Spain had a significant participation in the last international session of the World Youth Parliament, held from 6 to 11 August in Beijing, China. Attending as representatives of the different groups in Spain that worked the WYP, 20 young people who together with eighty other boys and girls from 14 countries, a hundred in all,
- Published in WYP
The Ecuador Idente Mission sends 130 young people to evangelize and help communities in need
As part of Idente Volunteer Service Missionary, the Ecuador Idente Mission is taking place from September 8 to 16. It is organized every year by the Department of University Missions of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Idente Youth of Ecuador and the Id Institute of Christ the Redeemer of Idente Missionaries. On this
- Published in Idente Volunteer Service
The World Youth Parliament celebrated the IV International Plenary Session on Forgiveness in China
One hundred young adults from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, came together in Peking, China from August 6th to August 11th, for the international plenary session of the World Youth Parliament (, an international forum organized by Idente Youth ( The topic was, “A Journey called Forgiveness; Interpersonal Relationships: Keys for a New
- Published in WYP
Sports, dance, théâtre, jeux: la Jeunesse idente du Cameroun se prépare à recevoir des centaines d’enfants et de jeunes
Ces vacances d’été, un bon nombre de jeunes, 18 au total, se sont réunis au centre de la Jeunesse Idente à Yaoundé-Cameroun, pour une session de formation des professeurs de la Jeunesse Idente. Ces jeunes se sont laissé former en vue de soutenir la présente équipe de professeurs pour la nouvelle année, étant donné le
- Published in Training
Idente Youth teachers course in Yaounde and Soa (Cameroon)
Taking advantage of the summer, the Ident Youth of Yaounde and Soa (Cameroon) has conducted a training course for young people who want to be teachers of children and adolescents, as well as for those who already are. In Idente Youth, formation is a fundamental axis given the purpose of “restoring humanity starting with oneself”,
- Published in Training
Sending Mass for Idente Volunteers service missionary in Bolivia
On Sunday, July 30, took place in the parish of Saint Patricks, Archdiocese of Madrid, the mass of sending one of his young people, Tania, who this summer will generously give his time and his capacities to numerous children and young people of the parish of San Pedro and San Pablo, in Santa Cruz of
- Published in Idente Volunteer Service
Message of Fr. Jesús Fernández to the Pilgrims on the Idente Road to Santiago de Compostela on Its Thirtieth Anniversary
The President of the Idente missionaries, Fr. Jesús Fernández Hernández, has sent this beautiful message to the pilgrims of the Idente Route to Santiago. This is celebrated every year by the express wish of the founder of the Idente missionaries, Fernando Rielo, and takes place from 12 to 25 July from Astorga (León) to Santiago
- Published in Jacobean Route
Pilgrims from Germany, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Spain, Italy, Peru and Turkey on the St. James’s Way 2017
The St. James’s Way 2017 has just started in Astorga (León) this July 12, organized by Juventud Idente. This year its international and ecumenical character is very well known because the group of pilgrims is made up of seven members from Germany, six from Turkey, one from Italy, two from Ecuador, one from Peru, seven
- Published in Jacobean Route